TTRPGs and

the D20


A polyhedral with 20 sides, the d20 is a must have for any ttrpg fan.

I have been playing for well over a decade, and felt frustrated at the options for expressing that day to day. 

To put it bluntly, a lot of the artwork seemed to be in limited styles. A lot of heavy fonts and nordic-looking illustrations seemed to be present on many d20-related shirts. 

Eventually I realized I could make tabletop role playing game fanart of my own, and started incorporating the d20 and other nerdy influences into my designs and illustrations.

Certainly, if I feel the options are limited, someone else dpes as well?

The d20 pattern featured in this piece are one of the most popular patterns I have made.

I decided to launch illustrations that had more to it than just being a d20.

I want to signal to nerds who know their stuff. I want the fun critical failure stories. I want to hear about the time they were fooled by a mimic and cautiously kick every chest, now. 

I dove into the wealth of knowledge and some popular quotes, merging the two as well as experimenting with popular designs. 

 I most commonly play Pathfinder 1e and the World of Darkness systems.